Learning Materials. Section E. L-3

English Language Training is delivered to students in their first, second, third and fourth years of study in accord with the program of studies developed by Chair “Linguistics 3”.

The program for first- and second-year students is centered around the textbook of English for technical universities by I.V.Orlovskaya,A.I.Skubriyeva,L.S.Samsonova.

Students are introduced to the specialty in the English language in their third year. The insight into specialty-centered terminology and lexis is provided via specialty guide “Heat and Mass Transfer” by Klochkova G.A., Schevchuk V.I.

Students in their fourth year(7th term)use the materials contained in dedicated specialty guides and in this vein apply themselves to exam preparation for their final English language exam.

The list of Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Scientific and Technical Literature Reading in English to 3rd year students of Energy Department, Faculty for Power-Plant Engineering.

For all specialties:

1. Klochkova G.A.,Samsonova L.S. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Technical Literature Reading in English(based on “Heat and Mass Transfer”)”

2. Kulbakova T.I.,Khotina A.G. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Technical Literature Reading in English,specialty “Rocket Engines(E1)””(manuscript)

3. Markova I.G. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Scientific and Technical Literature reading in English,specialty “Internal Combustion Engines (E2)””.-Moscow,published by BMSTU,2004.-25p.

4. Loseva O.M.,Fufurina T.A. Study Guide “Teaching Reading Literature in English,specialty “Nonconventional power sources(E3)””.-M.:published by BMSTU,2007.-37p.

5. Fufurina T.A. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Reading Literature in English,specialty “Cryogenics and cryogenic handling technologies,refrigeration engineering,conditioning systems(E4)””.-M:published by BMSTU,2004.-35p.

6. Kulbakova T.A. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Reading in English,specialty “Compressors (E5)””.-M.,published by BMSTU,2010.-28p.

7. Nayanova M.A. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Reading Scientific and Technical Literature in English,specialty “Thermal Physics (E6)””.-M:published by BMSTU,2005.-30p.

8. Fufurina T.A. “Methodology Guidelines “Teaching Reading Technical Literature in English,specialty “Nuclear Reactors(E7)””.-M:published by BMSTU,2012.-55p.

9. Klochkova G.A. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Reading Scientific and Technical Literature in English, topic “ Introduction to plasma physics(E8)”.M:published by BMSTU,1997.-31.

10. Fufurina T.A. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Reading Scientific and Technical Literature in English,specialty “Ecology(E9)””.-M:published by BMSTU,2002.-25p.

11. Bikovskaya L.I.,Ivanovskaya O.L., Loseva O.M., Nayanova M.A. “Methodology Guidelines for Teaching Making Presentations in English”Part 1.(Electronic version)-M:published by BMSTU,2014.

12. Milchakova O.M. Study Guide “Teaching Reading Literature in English, specialty “Hydraulics”(E10)”.-M:published by BMSTU,2008.-30p.

13. Mark Ibbotson «Cambridge English for Engineering” (Units: 1, 2, 3, 5,10) – Cambridge:  published by Cambridge University Press, 2008.–112 pp. 



Students take three tests on a pro-term basis, namely:
First- and second -year students take tests in weeks 5,10 and 14.
Third -year students(bachelor degree course) take tests in weeks 5,10 and 15.
Third-year students in their 6th term take tests in weeks 7 and 14,and take exam at the end of the term.
Fourth-year students (specialist degree course) take tests in weeks 7 and 14, and take exam at the end of the term.


Practice Tests
The studies on each module in a first-,second- and third -year English course culminate in test assignment in accord with information displayed in the table below:




Practice Test




Module 1, Module2, Module3



Module 4, Module5, Module 6




Module 7, Module 8, Module9



Module 10, Module 11, Module 12

Third Year:

5th term (Three modules):
The task is dedicated to translation of English text into Russian(1200 characters) using an English-Russian dictionary,time allocated for the task:1 hour.In term 5 three tests evaluate student progress, each test contains an analogous set of tasks.Download test sample.

Term 6 (two modules+exam):
The task is dedicated to translation of an English text into Russian (1500 characters) consulting and English-Russian Dictionary, time allocated for the task:60 min.Download text sample.

Students of Energy Department (bachelor’s degree and specialist courses) take their English exams in term 6 after they have attended the last class.

Exams are organized for students in term 7 (fourth year of studies) for all specialties curated by the Energy Department.

Exam skills requirements:
1.Ability to read and translate English texts into Russian using English-Russian dictionary (text size:1800 characters,time allocated: 45 min).Download sample task.

2.Ability and capability to read and comprehend the English text content without consulting English-Russian Dictionary(text size:1000 characters),ability and capacity to render the text in English.

3.Speaking skills: speaking on the following range of topics: Moscow, Cambridge/Oxford, BMSTU, Energy Department, My Specialty.

Exam Card Variants:

  1. Translate the text with a dictionary (45 min);
  2. Rendering (5 min);
  3. Topic: Moscow;
  4. Speak about your field of study.


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