Tests & Exam. Section MT. L-3

Test Papers

Three tests are carried out in each semester:

I and II courses- 5th, 10th and 14th week

III course for bachelors – 5th, 10th and 15th week

III course, the sixth semester – 7th and 14th week +exam

IV course, specialists – 7th and 14th week +exam

Training variants.

The study of each module at the 1-3 years of study is completed with writing a final test in accordance with the table below:




Training variant



5, 10, 15

Module 1Module 2Module 3


Module 4Module 5Module 6



5, 10, 15

Module 7Module 8Module 9


Module 10Module 11Module 12

The third year:

5th semester and 6th semester (specialists): (3 modules)

In Semesters 5 and 6 three testing procedures with one-type exercises are held:


1.    Check of knowledgeof lexico-grammatical material;

2.    Knowledge of the material in a special subject;

3.    Translation from English into Russian (the amount of text is 1200 characters) per hour, using an English-Russian dictionary.

Semester 6 (bachelors) and semester 7 (specialists): (2 training modules+ 1 examination module)

1.    Translate from English into Russian (the amount of text is 600-800 characters) for 20-30 minutes;

2.    Make an annotation to an English text of about 2000 characters without a dictionary for 20-30 minutes.




English language exams are held after the 6-th semester/term (bachelors) and after the 7-th semester/term (specialists) on specialties of the "MT" Faculty.

During the examination the student must be able to:

1.    Read and translate a text from English into Russian using an English-Russian dictionary (the amount of text is 1800 ch.) for 45 minutes (download).

2.    Read, understand the content of an English text (1000 characters) without a dictionary and render it in Russian

3.    Talkon the proposed topics in English:  Moscow, Cambridge or Oxford, Bauman University (BMSTU), My profession (МТ-6, Rolling (metalworking), Microelectronics).





1.    Translate the text with a dictionary (45 min);

2.    Rendering (5 min);

3.    Speak on your branch of engineering;

4.    Speak on the topic: BMSTU, Moscow, a university abroad (Cambridge, Oxford Oxbrige).




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