On May 17, 2018 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the second meeting ofthe Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics.



The workshop will be held on Thursday at 5:30 pm, room 1108, BMSTU Laboratory Building, 2/18, Rubtsovskaya embankment. 


If you are going to come or with any questions, please write to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The workshop topic: Groups G_{n}^{k}, high-dimensional analogs of braids and invariants of topological spaces

The report will be given by Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BMSTU Professor Manturov Vassily Olegovich.

On April 13, 2018 L-3 Chair held an annual conference among graduate students

on the topic "Prospects of Mechanical Engineering". 8 master students took part in

the conference presenting their interesting reports on the topics of their master's theses.

The conference was opened by a presenter, Alexey Perstnev, a student of the E10-62 group.

He introduced the topics of the forthcoming reports. After each report the speakers were asked the questions.

The students responded quickly and thoroughly.

The head of the L-3 department, Galina Grigoryevna Gurova, summed up the results of the conference and noted the most liked reports.

She also wished the master students success in their further research and noted the important role of English in the scientific world.


Title: Invariants for virtual marked graphs and virtual surface-links
Sang-Youl Lee, Pusan National University, Korea.

pm 15:35(UTC+3), 11 May 2018, Friday, classroom 922, Educational & Laboratory Building of BMSTU.

Abstract: In this talk, I would like to introduce a notion of virtual marked graphs and their equivalence and then define polynomial invariants for virtual marked graphs using invariants for virtual links. We also formulate a way how to define the ideal coset invariants for virtual surface-links using the polynomial invariants for virtual marked graphs. Examining this theory with the Kauffman bracket polynomial, we establish a natural extension of the Kauffman bracket polynomial to virtual marked graphs and found the ideal coset invariant for virtual surface-links using the extended Kauffman bracket polynomial.
We also discuss the groups of virtual marked graphs and virtual surface-links if the time is enough.
 If you would like to attend to our seminar, you can be invited you by skype. Please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and add Seongjeong Kim  (kim.seongjeong) in your contact of Skype.

 Alumniportal Deutschland in cooperation with the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce (AHK) is organizing the virtual career fair `TRAINED in GERMANY` Russia on May 17th, 2018.

This online-event is a chance to find out about career opportunities with well-known German companies in Russia. Visitors have the chance to talk individually with recruiters, from their computer or tablet wherever they are. Besides current job offers and individual live-chats with recruiters, you will have the chance to attend online presentations on career topics. Attending is free of charge.

You would like to learn more about study and research opportunities in Germany? Representatives of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are looking forward to inform and advise you.

If you are interested in attending this event, please visit our website for further details: http://bit.ly/tig-russia


Bauman Linguistics L2 Department


Welcome to


Thursday, April 26, 10:00 – 13.30

Venue: Conference Hall (Rm 310л)


Thanks to all active participants and attendees.



Dear colleagues,

You are welcome to participate in workshops presented by EFL specialists



on April the 27th at 2 p.m. in room 310 


On April 19, 2018 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the second meeting ofthe Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics.



The workshop will be held on Thursday at 5:30 pm, room 1108, BMSTU Laboratory Building, 2/18, Rubtsovskaya embankment. 


If you are going to come or with any questions, please write to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The workshop topic: Delaunay set with transitive group

The report will be given by MSU Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Dolbilin Nikolai Petrovich.

В соответствии с планом проведения Всеро­ссийской студенческой олимпиады в 2016 г­оду Министерства образования и науки РФ ­в Московском государственном техническом­ университете им. Н.Э. Баумана


c 14 по 16 мая 2018 года


состоится III (Всеросс­ийский) тур Всероссийской студенческой о­лимпиады по английскому языку в техничес­ких вузах.


К участию в Олимпиаде приглашаются студе­нты технических вузов Российской Федераци­и.

Руководители команд могут принять участи­е в работе жюри.


Предварительные заявки принимаются до 7 мая 2018 года на электронную почту This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.­ (или ­This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.­).­


Оригинал заявки необходимо предоставить 14 мая 2018 года.


Регистрация участников – 14 мая 2018 г­ода с 09.30 до 13.00 

адрес: Рубцовская набережная, д.2/18, 1 этаж.


Более подробную информацию можно получит­ь по телефону 8-499-263-61-98 или по эле­ктронной почте: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.­, ­This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.­


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